
Chocolate Lover? Read On!

Happy Friday everyone!

What do ya’ll have planned for the weekend?

Around here its a little bit of everything, we are still working on finishing the inside of the garage so my husband will be working in there while it’s nice out and I have been working on custom orders all week so it’s cutting out mittens for me in the studio.

On weekends like this (cloudy, misty, mild) we will probably end up having a bonfire for one supper. It always feels good after a long day of working to sit a round a fire, hearing those sausages sizzle, snuggle under a blanket and talk. I always keep a package or two of keto friendly hot dogs or smokies in the freezer for times like this.

After coming in from the fire and cleaning up I like to continue that cozy comfortable feeling with some chocolate.

Yes I know chocolate and keto don’t really go together. But wait! Why not! You can have unsweetened chocolate (no? not excited?) what about dark chocolate, we can have that. Now I love dark chocolate but honestly haven’t had it for a couple of years because it never agreed with my headaches so maybe I’m just gun-shy lol. So I started searching out all those mug cake recipes , tried a few and then came up with my own which I like the most. So here for you is my personal chocolate fix.

Individual Keto Chocolate Cake


  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder unsweetened
  • 1 tbsp mayonaise
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla or skinny syrup (0 carb 0 sugar coffee syrup)
  • 1 tsp butter salted
  • 1 tbsp heavy cream
  • 1-2 pkgs of stevia

**I know what your going to say, MAYO! Yup mayo, it gives this little cake the texture and smoothness it needs**

  • Wisk all ingredients together except the peanut butter
  • Butter a small microwaveable bowl
  • Pour batter in buttered bowl
  • Microwave on high for 1 1/2 min
  • Top with peanut butter if you wish


Last thought for the week……

We all have cravings for what ever reasons, over worked, stressed just plain want something. Never call it a “cheat”

Calling something a “cheat” automatically makes it more desirable. Rather then thinking about food as rewards or calling foods good or bad, think about changing the foods you crave to foods you can have with out guilt. 


Have a great weekend and come with me every week were we keep living a keto and creative lifestyle here in the sandhills of Manitoba.

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