February is literally just around the corner, I know, hard to believe. January is a strange month for a lot of people. Everyone is coming down from the holiday season of indulging, overeating, and (especially this year with lockdowns and restrictions) that “not yet” feeling. January blues it’s called. That is totally me this year. I needed a reboot, something to guide me and help me “focus” (my 2021 word)
Last week I mentioned a book I found
This book is going to be my eating guideline for the next two months with some additions of our favourite keto meals. My goal or focus is going to be making my keto lifestyle a habit again. Consistency is key when forming a habit, so for this goal meal planning is #1.
Rocco’s plan is a four-tier system.
The first tier is a 3-day cleanse to detox and get you into ketosis. Even though I am already in ketosis I am still going to do it because it is all about getting in the right mind frame too. So, I do not want to start cutting corners. This cleanse is not as bad as you think. Breakfast is basically a bullet proof coffee Rocco style, lunch is a bone broth soup and supper is a hearty salad that you have four recipes to choose from.
Tier 2 is a 21-day plan that incorporates intermittent fasting, which just means in this case you are going to skip breakfast. There are so many options for lunches and suppers you are never going to get bored! Some of the recommendations for this tier are to keep your carbs under 30g per day, stay hydrated, avoid processed foods and stay away from alcohol. That is going to be the big one for me because I love a glass of red wine after a long day.
There is a tier 3 which adds calories and breakfast options if you are ready for that or if you are happy you can do tier 2 over again. When you are where you want to be you can start tier 4 and move on to a maintenance lifestyle.
Here is the link to my Monthly Meal Planner worksheet.https://acornsandoaktrees.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/monthly-meal-planner.xlsx I use this every month. I find planning our meals keeps our grocery bills down and cuts down on those impulse buys.
Here is a picture of mine for the first two tiers. I will be starting on February 2nd because the 1st is my birthday, and I will be having a glass or two of wine lol.
I highly recommend this book it has great information, wonderful easy to follow recipes and is an excellent tool for those wanting to start this lifestyle.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”
Until next week when I will share some recipes and hopefully progress! Thank you for joining me as we keep living a Keto and creative lifestyle here in the sandhills of Manitoba.