Markets, Retail and Release Dates

 2025 Markets!

**waiting for acceptance to the market**


April 13th The Winnipeg Doll Extravaganza, Winnipeg, Mb, Viscount Gort Hotel, https://www.facebook.com/Wpg.dollextravaganza/

TBD Wawanesa Antiques Flea Market & Craft Sale, Wawanesa, Mb, 10am-3:30 at the Wawanesa Rink.

May 10th Apple + Pine Spring Market, Brandon, Mb https://www.appleandpinemarket.com/upcoming-markets

Every Friday Starting June 27th at Ninette, Mb Farmers Market!

October 18th&19th-  Big One Arts & Crafts Show, Brandon, Mb  https://www.brandonsbigone.com/

**Scattered Seeds October 25th-27th, Winnipeg, Mb  https://www.thescatteredseeds.com/

November 14th-16th – Our Best to You, Regina, Sk                       https://signatures.ca/our-best-to-you/

** Date TBD   Apple + Pine Christmas Market, Brandon, Mb https://www.appleandpinemarket.com/upcoming-markets

** Date TBD Ninette Christmas Market, Ninette, Mb

November 28th-December 1st – Winnipeg Signatures,  https://signatures.ca/winnipeg/


** I welcome any invitations to any Markets/Venues I haven’t attended previously**



Teddy Bear Collector Release Dates 2025!

March 7th 7pm central time

May 9th 7pm central time

July 6th 1pm central time

September 19th 7 pm central time

December 5th 7 pm central time


Retail Locations

Lagasse’s Studio o Fine Art, Souris, Mb

Poor Micheal’s Emporium, Onanole, Mb

Mountain Mercantile, Canmore, Ab

Tin House Coffee Co, Russell, Mb


Consignment and Wholesale inquiries are welcome